Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to cure acid reflux?

Does anyone know the cure for acid reflux? I tried everything that does not work I am 14 years old I've had since I was 11, I hurt all the time please reply! Here is a list of things I have ever tried! Cider Vinger armband black or ginger molle buy all these programs from the Internet that claim they can cure, sap acid / alkaline enzymes DIET acupuncture and Chinese medicine other / Digestive orange peel extract, slippery elm homeopathy and other sleep / font chanmges life. nad probly more, but I'm not overweight, what should I try? please, I can have more than one suggestion boxes have ever tried! Oh, thanks, and I tried all the medications perscribed medications that contain natural countwer and so I prefer Remida suggested that plz! Reduce pop. Do not drink too fast, the carbonation of the esophageal mucosa may worsen over time if you drink too fast. Tums antacids and provide a fast and light relief. Have a scratch test done for allergies if you are sensitive to certain elements, however, lucky that it sucks up so much you are so young. You'll find out soon enough. Baking powder. Have you tried? It works well. You add a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass (4-8 oz.) Water and stir until dissolved. Drink up! It is very efficient and cheap. A box of baking soda costs 50 cents. Let me know if you try it I found another post about baking soda and water, and thought I'd add my answer::: baking soda has a ton of salt, so if you use it regularly can increase blood pressure or bleeding and can cause ulcer if you Simple ways to Acid Reflux Millions of people suffer from acid reflux disease worse Stop - adults, children and even babies can not escape from their misery. Basically, acid reflux disease or heartburn upflowing is caused by stomach acid into the throat of view of science, the process occurs when there is a relaxation that occurs in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing then the juices from the stomach into the esophagus. http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Cure-Acid-Reflux I know you say you tried apple cider vinegar (ACV), but for how long. I had acid reflux for a long time and tried to stroke. The first time I took, it really made my stomach worse! But that lasted only a few minutes. I stayed with him and after a few days of drinking ACV, my acid reflux IDO! If I stop taking the ACV for more than a couple of weeks, he returns. So now I try to take someone at least once a week. Basically, acid reflux disease or heartburn upflowing is caused by stomach acid into the throat of view of science, the process occurs when there is a relaxation that occurs in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing then the juices from the stomach into the esophagus. http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Cure-Acid-Reflux I know you say you tried apple cider vinegar (ACV), but for how long. I had acid reflux for a long time and tried to stroke. The first time I took, it really made my stomach worse! But that lasted only a few minutes. I stayed with him and after a few days of drinking ACV, my acid reflux IDO! If I stop taking the ACV for more than a couple of weeks, he returns. So now I try to take someone at least once a week.


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