Thursday, February 24, 2011

Acid reflux; healthy lifestyle, non drinker/ smoker, good diet.baffled as to why they still suffer from it?

Can you recommend any other way to get rid of this disease that affects their personal and professional life, is the tightening of the neck pain all the time! Do you know all the operations that might help? Going to have the tonsils as a starter? people people in the medical profession or simply known only to please can be caused by a hiatal hernia, causing the acid to come back and write esophagaus. My mother has this problem, something to your acid reflux! You can get a fixed hiatal hernia, my mother can not, because the body can not cope with the surgery, but if you are relatively healthy otherwise, I would contact my doctor and see if this is the real problem. Good luck. I also understand, but not to the extreme, I can work and live normally. My diet is reasonable, not smoking or drinking heavily. Are stressed by anything in particular, as this is one that tends to bring. You must free your mind and take a vacation and see if it helps, before any medical treatment for YES! Is this "purple pill" from a friend who swears by it. It may be a valve in the esophagus, which does not close completely the function or the acidity of the stomach can get throat. see a doctor and get a referral to a specialist in this field, I work with him every day and taking drugs RX-acid production in the stomach / contentViewer.aspx? take HWID = hw99177 & Service Area = generic test luck. I had the same, and DR put me on omeprazole 20 mg and I have no problem, because (it has been two years). Caring for your almonds, which I already had help and I again. Good luck PS Blueladybug Dr. found a small fracture in my stomach, but it need not be removed. Unfortunately I do not think there is a surgery for it. In addition, stress is a major factor in acid reflux - all the "healthy lifestyle" in the world does not mean much if you are very stressed if they are in constant pain, probably gone beyond just the acid reflux and the esophagus is damaged. Prilosec (the purple pill) is a drug that reduces acid and, presumably, helps heal the esophagus. consult your doctor immediately, because there is a possibility that it could be something more serious. It could be stress, I have done all these things to help with my acid reflex, also had a tonsillectomy, but I can not forget the work-related stress, lifestyle, whatever the cause of stress, t I do not know . I think I was born with it, although I've been on omeprazole for 4 years. This is a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor. You can get in the prepcide counter Zantac Both are available in lower doses. In addition, stress is a major factor in acid reflux - all the "healthy lifestyle" in the world does not mean much if you are very stressed if they are in constant pain, probably gone beyond just the acid reflux and the esophagus is damaged. Prilosec (the purple pill) is a drug that reduces acid and, presumably, helps heal the esophagus. consult your doctor immediately, because there is a possibility that it could be something more serious. It could be stress, I have done all these things to help with my acid reflex, also had a tonsillectomy, but I can not forget the work-related stress, lifestyle, whatever the cause of stress, t I do not know . I think I was born with it, although I've been on omeprazole for 4 years. This is a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor. You can get in the prepcide counter Zantac Both are available in lower doses.


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