Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What surgeries and treatments are available to people suffering from the deadly acid reflux disease?
I have this horrible life changing disease. My stomach can not hold back and begins to suck Prilosec OTC. Did not appear before. I know that exercise helps, food, etc. I want to know more about what surgeries are available. There is a procedure usually performed laproscopically called Nissen fundoplication. It can be total or partial wrap. No stomach stapling. They take the top of the stomach called the fundus and wraps around the bottom oesphagus called cardiac sphincter and pull firmly. This prevents stomach acid leaves the stomach, and burn oesphagus. The sphincter does what he must do. It works very well. Recovery time varies but is usually around two weeks for laparoscopic surgery. Reflux is only fatal if severe and for a long time that makes the lining of errosion oesphagus and can cause ulcers and cancer. But is extreme. Concern fully make it worse. You / must make arrangements with gasteroenterlogist / I do not think that it is spelled correctly or she will do an endoscopy / and set the correct medication / I feel for you / for I / GERD and Barrett's esohpgus / it's no joke / I was a recipe Nexium and / Since You've tried / non-prescription drugs or not to extend the research / you will be glad you did good luck
Monday, March 7, 2011
What irritates acid reflux most: carbonated water or caffeine?
If it is caffeine, so I could go to caffeine free Diet Coke and Pepsi. Lilac closest annoying. more acidic than Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, I would choose, if you drink sodas. The same with coffee. It is not so much caffeine in coffee, acidity irritated. Switching to a low acidity coffee when you can always go hunting for a morning caffeine. First, get rid of diet drinks and diet products. They contain aspartame, which performs all types of health problems. almost all chewing gum and get well established. If weight is a problem, I want you to know that you will not lose with diet products. Eat fresh fruit and vegies and meat and cheese. Stay away from anything that contains corn syrup, high fructose corn - it's even in the bread loaf to find health has only flour, yeast and salt - at least not more than 5 ingredients. But if you give bread, even for a month or two, you will lose weight. Eliminate the two substances, you will notice that you no longer have acid reflux, and can drink coffee.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My 2 year old daughter has acid reflux and is lactose intolerant, what can she eat?
My baby is on a strict diet, but sometimes her food comes back up. We (my wife and I) do not really know exactly what type of diet they should be, but we know that some things do not look at her just to give fatty foods and dairy products. What we can out of your head? Try Silk Soy Milk.comes chocolate.its in very good I was intolerant to milk before I was still drinking. If the doctor says it will not kill her, so try it. The body can adapt to many things, milk and cousins for me told me about this is a balanced diet. If the acid problem, consult your doctor about omeprazole. If they have this acid problem, the likelihood that they will be in this or simlilar medications for life, or even diet. If they do not end up taking Omeprazole which they can eat whatever they want, because it regulates the acid production. NO Kool-Aid or "mixed crystal, dried, without spices or no fat (fast food), heat, or anything really not (like cornflakes or crackers), where it is not in the processing of apple juice for acid murder throar acid reflux and orange juice worse. The only "good" breakfast, all natural foods like oat and wheat products (they absorb a lot of acid {I used to get a set of 60 to 100% wheat bread that when the acid helped eat bad}).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Does gripe water help with acid reflux in babies?
My 6 month old baby Zantac old when he was a month. I dislike that he is on medication. He is happy, so I decided to change my diet and eliminate dairy products, chocolate, spicy food and CITRIS. But I would like to know if there is anything else that could help return peace of mind, of course. We had the same problem with our daughter. She even had a circumference of their return had been so bad. We have tried gripe water, holistic / homeopathic remedies. Nothing worked as Zantac. When she hit 10 months she was fully grown it, thank goodness. When she was 10 months old, she is only up 2 times and can spit out flat on my back in bed was not unhappy. In our experience, have worked nothing nearly as good as Zantac. Good luck. Best of all, the message will he grow out of probably 99% there. Homeopathy! Gripe water would not do good for your child's Acid Reflex. I discovered that my daughter had when she was 2 months and started on Prevacid, which helped, but still spit a lot and cried a little "Here are some things he did for my daughters (ARD) 1. Food in a high position 2. Maintain upright for at least 30 an hour after eating 3. If you give your baby a bottle or weather not your breast to look for cereal in their milk 1-2 tsp 4. a change in diet has done 5. When sleep will not put your floor, lift the head and chest a little "in this way, at an angle. Maybe put a couple of books under the legs of the bed. They also have these little things that you can put the baby in the crib, while keeping up a little bit. " My daughters ARD does not last forever, now 7 months and although still spits a lot (including some children just do), no chest pain or discomfort or other signs of acid reflex. I hope that helped! Influenza is a weak acid water. It can not really hurt small frequent meals are better than large meals. Although fatty foods, fried foods, citrus fruits and corn to make things worse .
Friday, March 4, 2011
Foods that neutralize stomach acid?
I'm on a diet, acid-free, so I can cure my acid reflux and heal my esphogas But I had acid reflux for more than 40 years that the avoidance of food was not to help, and I can not do drugs in TAKE Papaya is one neutralizes stomach acid is more healthy foods or beverages you, I never drink caffeine thing anyway, and sodas and fatty foods, milk, etc. are mucus problem is not so sure if we take the best before bedtime, as knowledge, but I will thank you during the day, I try not to eat crzckers I saw celiac I eat gluten free pretzels-in, I noticed that I lost some weight since I started my diet acid-free, because I know I that fat milk contributes to the neck after heated reflux. They neutralize acids with basic foodstuffs. So you can drink like milk or snacks such as biscuits instead of level. You should avoid acidic foods like oranges exchange garlic powder and chili, ginger can help, fennel and turmeric. Ginger, fennel and turmeric has been used in traditional medicine for indigestion and heartburn treatment Modern herbalists have combined some of these "herbs for heartburn" for herbal remedies for acid reflux .
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Why am I still having acid reflux problems while lying flat when I sleep?
Since September 2009, I had problems with my stomach. After a visit to the doctor several times, said all the doctors I have visited that they can not be anything wrong with me to find, and they say it all seems to be acid reflux. When I try Prilosec, Nexium, take pills to reduce stomach acid and makes the symptoms worse I got my diet on acid reflux cure and everything is healed changed. The only problem I still seem to be flat while you sleep, and sometimes abdominal pain. The food that I eat some reason, my acid reflux, and I can not really eat what I want, but when I try to sleep at night I head up. When I try and lay flat, I get a pressure over the neck. This started to occur when acid reflux for the first time. The rest of my symptoms are gone, but I still can not seem to lie flat when I sleep. Why is this and how can I treat? "What's going on, how can I treat it?" Gravityand a weak upper esophageal sphincter. UES is trapped on top of the stomach. If it works correctly, it is no longer in the stomach contents empty into the mouth, and throat.even if we stand on our heads. It is not easy to fix a leaky UES, but you can live with it if you just want to chock up to the head of the bed. I do. I have a 6-inch blocks under the feet of the head of my bed. 9 "is better. If you can not provide the same benefits of sleeping on a pile of cushions, which are actually worse reflux ENT MDx30y Ugh not that horrible acid reflux, there are many things you can do to reduce it can .?. The article in the source section has all the tips first you do not sleep flat Lift your bed with pillows not -.rooms were 3-6 inch block under the upper section shall not wear clothes that are too small .Sounds fun, but can cause restriction and acid reflux. No smoking, avoiding alcohol and coffee and acidic drinks like OJ Exercise regularly. The good news is that acid reflux can come and go, so this year you have many no longer have symptoms. Good luck. I had the same problems as yours. I searched the Internet after he tried all the medication for acid reflux. I found this site: www.earthclinic.com. Many have recommended apple cider vinegar. He did wonders for me. Try it. It will not hurt, but going well. Take after dinner or before going to bed at night. Buy Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar (Mother). 2 tablespoons of this in a glass of warm water. The problem I have at night when lying down because it reduces the effect of gravity to help keep stomach contents where they belong. In the stomach. It is not just a matter of looking up. You must lift the entire upper body, and this can easily be achieved by placing blocks under the head to an increase of about six inches. No smoking, avoiding alcohol and coffee and acidic drinks like OJ Exercise regularly. The good news is that acid reflux can come and go, so this year you have many no longer have symptoms. Good luck. I had the same problems as yours. I searched the Internet after he tried all the medication for acid reflux. I found this site: www.earthclinic.com. Many have recommended apple cider vinegar. He did wonders for me. Try it. It will not hurt, but going well. Take after dinner or before going to bed at night. Buy Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar (Mother). 2 tablespoons of this in a glass of warm water. The problem I have at night when lying down because it reduces the effect of gravity to help keep stomach contents where they belong. In the stomach. It is not just a matter of looking up. You must lift the entire upper body, and this can easily be achieved by placing blocks under the head to an increase of about six inches.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I have acid reflux and have other food allergies what should I buy that is healthy?
I have acid reflux disease and is also lactose intollerant and I have a very senitive diarreaha stomach I get when I eat the wrong foods. I have no insurance to figure out what I'm allergic to so watch what I eat. I need advice on what to eat a balanced diet to get with out breaking my bank account. Although I do not immediately suggest things you can try is an excellent yahoo group exclusively of allergies has helped me tremendously. Try this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/foodallergykitchen Hope this helps! You shoud problems. vegetarians. Things like tofu will not upset your stomach. Vegetables are much easier to digest things like meat and junk food. You can still eat things like cakes and sweets, but try to eat smaller portions. You should also start with 1% lactose free organic milk purchases. acid good advice on how you can expect from others what foods to eat for sure, if you yourself have said you can not afford to get tested for allergies and therefore do not know what food you are allergic to? I can recommend peas and carrots, and you may be allergic to either both or none of them could eat them, and sick or die. So as you can in good conscience, ask others for food, which can be recommended to keep your life? First, try again, spicy foods.AVOID them.eat to avoid small amounts of food. I mean, frequent small meals instead of big. Have you (to prevent reflux) sufficient time between dinner and bedtime using antacids or drugs to reduce HCl production. I will write more and to apply again. I hope helpful Try to eat lentil soup and beans with brown (wheat or rye) bread, vegetables and white fish. I have the same problem. You should also avoid eating and drinking tomatoes. To reduce or eliminate acid reflux, you need to stay away from fatty and acidic foods in general tend to increase acid secretion for digestion, for example, you want to stay away from all citrus fruits (and juices) like oranges , lemons and tomatoes. We also want to avoid high fat meats (where the meat has a marble appearance), butter, pasta, cream, ice cream, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, chicken wings - I think you can see where we are, click here . You should also avoid coffee (decaffeinated or regular), all forms of alcohol (except in very small doses), and all forms of tea. Coffee, in particular, has been shown to increase activity in the esophagus, with studies showing that caffeine is not particularly that the cause is, but the other components found in grains (the way they are roasted), can be a powerful tool. To reduce or eliminate acid reflux, you need to stay away from fatty and acidic foods in general tend to increase acid secretion for digestion, for example, you want to stay away from all citrus fruits (and juices) like oranges , lemons and tomatoes. We also want to avoid high fat meats (where the meat has a marble appearance), butter, pasta, cream, ice cream, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, chicken wings - I think you can see where we are, click here . You should also avoid coffee (decaffeinated or regular), all forms of alcohol (except in very small doses), and all forms of tea. Coffee, in particular, has been shown to increase activity in the esophagus, with studies showing that caffeine is not particularly that the cause is, but the other components found in grains (the way they are roasted), can be a powerful tool.
Monday, February 28, 2011
What is good for a breastfeeding mother to eat if her infant has acid reflux?
My daughter is 4 weeks old and has reflux and I feel like I'm hungry. Can anyone give me ideas on what I eat, I'm currently dairy and citrus foods to avoid. So I eat potatoes, bread, pasta and pears. So if anyone has thought about this and I have an idea for a diet that would be great. Serious replies only please, thanks. Eat lots of carbohydrates protien to try an IE red meat and iron supplements during lactation can also try goat form feed once or twice per day is, theres a lot of nutrients in goat milk may help stop reflux Hello, my children also reflux. I would recommend getting rid of all these foods gluten (wheat, barley and rye) and see how your daughter does. There are many gluten-free foods at health food stores. I hope that helps - it made a big difference for my two daughters w / reflux. You can research online celiac disease. It has really helped my kids (and my husband and I). There is little information on reflux and breastfeedingit nothing about the diet of the mother. http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/reflux.html rule is not a food that is taboo for a child has a specific allergy or sensitivity to foods. Milk is the most likely cause, but it does not cause reflux exactly, it's different and it is not lactose intolerant either, it's a food allergy. (Other "popular" foods that cause problems in some babies wheat, soy, eggs, nuts - some can not handle the protein goes into the milk) you must take a good amount of protein when they have a lot of vegetarians eat beans and tofu, if not eat some meat. Carbohydrates and pears is not a healthy diet. You are not hurting your milk, but familiarize yourself sick. What's happening in your stomach will not go into your milk. There are foods that circulate in the blood that passes into breast milk, if we think the same things that upset your stomach, do not mind that our child care This link is all the power of the nursing mother: http:// kellymom.com / Nutrition / mother / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Like what causes heartburn that does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from all that had tomatoes when cared for my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chile, not raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. with food experience. Eat soft foods only 2 of the 3 meals until you can identify what food "third party" is the cause of acid reflux to explode. If your child needs medicine reflux child, no matter what you eat, the child still reflux. His son Peter. will give you a RX. I found it odd that his power was limited. There are foods that circulate in the blood that passes into breast milk, if we think the same things that upset your stomach, do not mind that our child care This link is all the power of the nursing mother: http:// kellymom.com / Nutrition / mother / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Like what causes heartburn that does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from all that had tomatoes when cared for my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chile, not raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. with food experience. Eat soft foods only 2 of the 3 meals until you can identify what food "third party" is the cause of acid reflux to explode. If your child needs medicine reflux child, no matter what you eat, the child still reflux. His son Peter. will give you a RX. I found it odd that his power was limited. There are foods that circulate in the blood that passes into breast milk, if we think the same things that upset your stomach, do not mind that our child care This link is all the power of the nursing mother: http:// kellymom.com / Nutrition / mother / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Like what causes heartburn that does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from all that had tomatoes when cared for my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chile, not raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. with food experience. Eat soft foods only 2 of the 3 meals until you can identify what food "third party" is the cause of acid reflux to explode. If your child needs medicine reflux child, no matter what you eat, the child still reflux. His son Peter. will give you a RX. I found it odd that his power was limited.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What are the best and worst foods for acid reflux?
About a month ago I went to the dentist and the tracks of my back teeth that could have acid reflux. I've noticed more symptoms this month. When I had a float root beer with a cheeseburger and fries at the mall, I felt bad the rest of the day. But I did not. And last week I had McDonalds and not feel so hot. I'm trying to cut soda from my diet. What are some other foods should I cut? Should I consult a doctor too? The doctor may ask about your symptoms and refer you to taste the different counter remedies before he / she prescribes something, then you can probably ignore or at least delay the first visit. Things that can worsen the situation are fried foods (all types), fatty foods (all types, including all meat), mint, cinnamon, raw onions, citrus fruits (including tomatoes and tomato products ), coffee, tea, beer, wine and spirits. (Oh, great, there's nothing really you can eat?) Obesity also contributes. Stop eating only until you really full, a pharmacist assist products for the prevention of symptoms and those who treat symptoms after they already prefer. This varies, and the best way for you know, a food diary to find foods that you can then avoid symptoms or give premedicate keep. Some known offenders include red wine and chocolate is a potent relaxer of the lower esophageal sphincter. Low fat diets slow down gastric emptying, so they hang around in your stomach for longer periods. The longer the stay of food in the stomach, there are still more likely to reflux. Carbonated drinks are bad because they start with, and carbon dioxide swells in the stomach. Talk to your doctor about getting an over the counter or prescription anti-reflux medications. I take Prilosec OTC and it works for me, but check with your MD if it is appropriate for you. Reflux is not just pain. You have dental changes indicative of severe reflux. This can damage the lining of the esophagus, and if it continues over a longer period may increase risk of cancer esophaeal Talk to your doctor! Receive treatment and consider an upper endoscopy to evaluate esophageal .
Saturday, February 26, 2011
is it ok to drink decaf tea if i have acid reflux?
My doctor is pretty sure that I did with a condition called GERD is an old term for long, which means that I suffer from severe reflux. I'm on a diet low in fat, sugar free, caffeine-free diet and I miss my cup of tea. Is it safe to drink decaffeinated tea? I heard that the warm temperatures also stimulate the reverse flow so all information would be very grateful. I was diagnosed with GERD and Barrett esophygus about 10 years ago. Since then I have a cup of decaffeinated tea loved almost every day. My doctor also recommended. I've never had the influence of temperature problems with my condition. Good luck. The only real possibility that diet greatly contributes to GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease (American spelling sometimes esophagus with an "E") that are affected by weight loss itself. Caffeine has no real power anyway. To be honest, practical, lifestyle changes often anyway, and most doctors simply prescribe PPI inhibitors, proton pump by omeprazole once daily. This keeps most of the patients without symptoms, sorry I can not answer your question, but I googled the same question and the question came because I am taking a PPI, proton pump inhibitor and it works for me, but I have noticed that when I drink decaffeinated tea next morning I woke up sick and burpy (I drink tea at night only) I like to drink tea or coffee with caffeine so I drank, I will try again in a few days and see if it happens again, if it does, I can say to decaffeinated tea for me .
Friday, February 25, 2011
What kind of foods do you eat when you have acid reflux?
I just found out my acid reflux triggers my asthma, and to change my diet. I know what not to eat, but what do I eat? Mainly fruits and vegetables. Nothing fried. Remember, when you eat, and later return is not to eat again. Pablum, unless you can take the drug for RA, I took 1 tablet a day for the last 6 years, AR had not interfered in slightest.I (spicy), who was on the list of dinner again. See your MD.he may be right to prescribe for you. do not eat spicy food, salty fast food is a disaster for all junk food eating fruits or vegetables in yogurt is prohibited acid reduces even licorice and orange peel and mint I to 1 tablet daily eating Nexium for acid reflux, and I love everything, without causing pain. Ask your family doctor is something you can not answer your asthma medications or lead to worsening asthma.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Acid reflux; healthy lifestyle, non drinker/ smoker, good diet.baffled as to why they still suffer from it?
Can you recommend any other way to get rid of this disease that affects their personal and professional life, is the tightening of the neck pain all the time! Do you know all the operations that might help? Going to have the tonsils as a starter? people people in the medical profession or simply known only to please can be caused by a hiatal hernia, causing the acid to come back and write esophagaus. My mother has this problem, something to your acid reflux! You can get a fixed hiatal hernia, my mother can not, because the body can not cope with the surgery, but if you are relatively healthy otherwise, I would contact my doctor and see if this is the real problem. Good luck. I also understand, but not to the extreme, I can work and live normally. My diet is reasonable, not smoking or drinking heavily. Are stressed by anything in particular, as this is one that tends to bring. You must free your mind and take a vacation and see if it helps, before any medical treatment for YES! Is this "purple pill" from a friend who swears by it. It may be a valve in the esophagus, which does not close completely the function or the acidity of the stomach can get throat. see a doctor and get a referral to a specialist in this field, I work with him every day and taking drugs RX-acid production in the stomach http://www.providence.org/healthlibrary / contentViewer.aspx? take HWID = hw99177 & Service Area = generic test http://www.webmd.com luck. I had the same, and DR put me on omeprazole 20 mg and I have no problem, because (it has been two years). Caring for your almonds, which I already had help and I again. Good luck PS Blueladybug Dr. found a small fracture in my stomach, but it need not be removed. Unfortunately I do not think there is a surgery for it. In addition, stress is a major factor in acid reflux - all the "healthy lifestyle" in the world does not mean much if you are very stressed if they are in constant pain, probably gone beyond just the acid reflux and the esophagus is damaged. Prilosec (the purple pill) is a drug that reduces acid and, presumably, helps heal the esophagus. consult your doctor immediately, because there is a possibility that it could be something more serious. It could be stress, I have done all these things to help with my acid reflex, also had a tonsillectomy, but I can not forget the work-related stress, lifestyle, whatever the cause of stress, t I do not know . I think I was born with it, although I've been on omeprazole for 4 years. This is a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor. You can get in the prepcide counter Zantac Both are available in lower doses. In addition, stress is a major factor in acid reflux - all the "healthy lifestyle" in the world does not mean much if you are very stressed if they are in constant pain, probably gone beyond just the acid reflux and the esophagus is damaged. Prilosec (the purple pill) is a drug that reduces acid and, presumably, helps heal the esophagus. consult your doctor immediately, because there is a possibility that it could be something more serious. It could be stress, I have done all these things to help with my acid reflex, also had a tonsillectomy, but I can not forget the work-related stress, lifestyle, whatever the cause of stress, t I do not know . I think I was born with it, although I've been on omeprazole for 4 years. This is a higher dose than prescribed by your doctor. You can get in the prepcide counter Zantac Both are available in lower doses.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Loose productive cough at night (excess mucus): GERD (Acid reflux), asthma or sinus problem?
Had a chronic productive cough with asthma 2 years. Chest X-rays taken said they were clear. A few months ago a doctor told me it was probably acid reflux cough without acid. With the pads, the protection system against cough and stomach after meals daytime attacks are very rare, but I wake in the night (1:00 to 3:00) cough and expel mucus. 30/60 for a few minutes away is the symptom and sleep the rest of the night is perfect. aerosol inhaler for asthma, as it helps to breathe much easier, but I do not think it appropriate. Even the majority in the evening and night, I feel full of mucus from the lungs and throughout the day, I have to clean my nose often. I wonder if the facts are related in some way, if GERD is the cause of lung mucus (bronchitis), cough with asthma and a runny nose (I noticed the tip of the nose after the meal too) . Or perhaps an issue that is now the source of all cavities. What do you think? TKS faster and better I've found for the symptoms is one teaspoon of baking soda in a small glass a few sips, if necessary, been tested for whooping cough? her breasts at night is getting worse, due to changing weatheri have the same problem, sometimes so bad you can not mess with our asthma.u sleep.it might try a neti pod clears the nose and help mucus . u can get a `not cost line.they much.hope this helps. and good luck. Make sure you go to bed and sleep at least 3-4 hours after eating. Lift your head with 5 "to 6" (you can get some tips from places like Lowe's, Depot, or Ace). If after a few weeks, still no relief in the acidity of acid reflux / GERD and are still experiencing symptoms every day, I would try systemic (oral) steroids, and current. For sinus problems, find a diversion of September. If this is not a problem, try a prescription medication Rhinocort Aqua to see if that solves your problems in May, as an allergy test. In addition, drink orange juice every day, avoid dust, rest / sleep well, exercise, wear loose clothing and by all means to find ways to reduce stress. Acid reflux can cause asthma: reflux may be aspirated and to initiate reflex bronchospasm acid in minute amounts of bronchoconstriction associated inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with reflux published mediate chemicals bronchospasm. About 75% of patients with asthma have acid reflux disease. Reflux symptoms usually precede the attacks of wheezy chest. Asthma is also the same dietary and lifestyle factors that cause acid reflux symptoms began. There is a good response to proton pump inhibitors twice daily and treatment should last at least two months .
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
i just had laproscopy surger 3 hours for severe acid reflux looking for ideas on a soft diet.?
I'm on a diet filled with liquid, but now I'll be on a soft diet the following week when I visit the doctor on January 25, only I have some ideas with that ou or operation can not be disposed and can not be a pain uu very intense I have to go to the emergency room and have to run this through the nose for u, and I do not know what I catogery before you start eating again reg completely change my attitude about food can not eat things I enjoyed as fried foods, etc.I would like some information on this issue. Take and drink plenty of water. Almost anything can be liquefied, or you can warm baby food through a straw. baby cereal or cream of wheat is very easy to digest, and you can add as much liquid as you need to get the desired consistency. Ummmm. OK, so who underwent surgery. And the doctor does not cover what to eat? Strange. Imran
Monday, February 21, 2011
Healthy? I suck at it!?
I suck health. I'm torn myself and my mother last year and I'm 22e, I have very bad eating habits, and I'm here constantly tired and cold all the time. I need help! I can not eat much food because I have acid reflux when I get to do. I'm not looking for a system with reflux. All I need is always in all my vitamins on a daily basis to help you. I'm not looking for energy drinks either.I do well on a budget I did not have much money. Does anyone know of a shopping list at low prices to help my body strength to strength? I'm dizzy all the time and frankly, I'm just tired of it and suck Yes find what my body needs to eat to be healthy. Eat plenty of vegetables. Raw instead of these chips will give you the freshness that has fleas. Eat them with dip, they are delicious Sun Take a multivitamin and a vitamin C pill Cut caffeine drinks and replace them with water. It is a good start. Nan is good. Avoid fried, fatty and spicy foods, large meals, alcohol and caffeine, which almost certainly do well on acid reflux symptoms and chew food for several meals to go. Include plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits. Some food will serve you well as a cure acid reflux. Bananas, apples, all types of melon, sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are very nutritious and make good snacks. Every acid reflux remedy regimen should be at least a salad of mixed greens per day. Examples of healthy snacks are: individual fruit bowls, yogurt, baked crackers, pretzels, rice cakes and granola bars. If you have something sweet, try a hard candy or chewing gum, chocolate and peppermint avoid. Hi there! Here is a great way to save money and avoid the foods that you do not need the supermarket: Avoid the center aisles. It is here that processed and packaged (expensive) food is stored. dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables and meat are always around the outer perimeter of the store these are the things your body needs. It may seem more expensive, but it looks like it is filled with processed foods. You can also save money by purchasing seasonal items. The site mypyramid.gov customize a food pyramid for you based on the unique situation. In general you should take a multivitamin to supplement your diet if you eat well. Here is an example of what could be bought by a typical week: Milk - 1% milk, low fat yogurt, egg substitute Smart Balance margarine, cheese and vegetables - apples, bananas, fruits (as in season), lettuce, broccoli, asparagus (in season), other seasonal vegetables to meat - chicken breasts or whole chicken fryer, 7% fat ground beef, half ham, bone wild variety of fresh fish. dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables and meat are always around the outer perimeter of the store these are the things your body needs. It may seem more expensive, but it looks like it is filled with processed foods. You can also save money by purchasing seasonal items. The site mypyramid.gov customize a food pyramid for you based on the unique situation. In general you should take a multivitamin to supplement your diet if you eat well. Here is an example of what could be bought by a typical week: Milk - 1% milk, low fat yogurt, egg substitute Smart Balance margarine, cheese and vegetables - apples, bananas, fruits (as in season), lettuce, broccoli, asparagus (in season), other seasonal vegetables to meat - chicken breasts or whole chicken fryer, 7% fat ground beef, half ham, bone wild variety of fresh fish.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I have bad acid reflux problem and gas trouble, can some one suggest some Ayurvidic medicine and proper diet?
I am 43 years old. Bromelain is wonderful because it not only helps the digestion of the enzymes that are necessary, but heals gastric mucosa, and only affects my reflux in bromelain for many years and has Prilosec 40 mg and now http://www. swansonvitamins.com my doctor I was in the last 2 years Nexium 40 mg. It started with bad heartburn every day and night I woke up because I get to my neck of acid to burn where it arises. I have to eat bland food, no salt. Diet is the most import.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Do i have acid reflux or is it just my diet?
Hi guys im 14 years and a month or two, I found the acid indigestion and belching when I can sometimes feel like food to find my throat. I drank a lot of energy drinks and caffeine before and this is what I think because of my stomach irritation. Went to the doctor for this and sent me to an ENT specialist. Ganna What are the diagnosis of acid reflux? Or just tell me I have to eat and drink more? (Even in the early morning, sometimes I antacids and help me) have acid reflex and it seems that your diet try to avoid eating spicy foods and try not to drink coffee or soft drinks or energy for a day and see if that helps and if the pills that help your problem is not acid reflex pills you need very strong for U could give ulcer and many energy drinks and caffine. My sister has a baby too. It's a bit 'reflux.I acid having acid reflux and are interested in everything you eat or drink much more than the acid in it. L as oranges or tomatoes from their soupIf caffine voice I could be an ulcer. The same thing happened to me except that I'ma little older than you. I would terminate the contract and go see a GI doc. ENT doc will only be able to see past the vocal cords to ISN, not far enough. Doc to the esophagus and stomach of the ECJ's view. (I work with a GI doctor in local hospital). Chances are that you have acid reflux. In that case you should stay away from caffiene, chocolate and mint. Do not eat three hours B4 bedtime. Take some Rolaids for fast relief. Raising the head of your bed to a 45degree angle with a few pillows or a wedge. But seriously, change your time with a GI doc, you see, will not be miss-diagnosed. Good luck. PS. ENT doc will do a Largangoscopy - looking at the neck with a larganoscope. Check it on Wikipedia, same with EGD .
Friday, February 18, 2011
Acid Reflux?!?!?!?
Ive the 14th and heart still burns for a long time and at a time when I as 10 min esofogus (I do not know how to spell) I really irratated and when I ate it hurts. Now, the sick and burps taste like rotten eggs and I have really bad diarhea. I still have heartburn for most things I eat or drink. when I drink apple juice or some kind of juice I'm really bad. or maybe if I like the frozen foods I could eat to get it. Now my mom is really annoying as it deems just change my diet, but I say that I was the acid reflux because I know no one I kno my age have heartburn at all. but I get all the time. It sounds like a real acid reflux? and also what I could do for heartburn? Sounds like acid reflux to me. Go to the Dr or nurse. You must have a prescription for Prilosec or that the ratio of trying to counter version of Prilosec OTC. This may be wrong. I'm 18 and I started having problems acid reflux when I was a freshman in high school (14), when at least one other person had at your age My best advice would be to go to a gastro-enteritis, a medical company that specializes in this sort of thing . He probably will tell you about a endoscopy and colonoscopy to avoid damage or permanent damage to, and he will defiantly ask you to change your eating habits, at least for a few months. Until you see the doctor, a sort of anti-acid before or after a meal and eat light. Do not eat things that are highly acidic and too much food too quickly, which can also cause acid reflux. Good luck, I know the pain sometimes sucks!.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The best deal for Heartburn No More?
I looked everywhere on the internet for the best deal. So far the best I found was http://moveto.ws/yw9ja45g6 Anyone know a better deal? I have applied: Heartburn No More http://moveto.w ws/yw9ja45g6 heartburn pregnancy heartburn heartburn symptoms heartburn remedies heartburn cause heartburn natural heartburn relief heartburn remedy acid heartburn heartburn causes heartburn foods heartburn pain heartburn reflux heartburn cure heartburn acid reflux heartburn indigestion heartburn treatment pregnant heartburn heartburn medicine heartburn nausea remedies for heartburn heartburn cures heartburn during pregnancy heartburn free heartburn home remedies heartburn home remedy heartburn severe stomach heartburn foods that cause heartburn gas heartburn heartburn and pregnancy heartburn food heartburn help remedy for heartburn symptoms of heartburn what is heartburn causes of heartburn chronic heartburn get rid of heartburn heartburn diet heartburn gerd heartburn medication heartburn natural remedies heartburn stop heartburn symptom heartburn vinegar constant heartburn frequent heartburn home remedies for heartburn natural heartburn remedy relieve heartburn what causes heartburn chest pain heartburn cure for heartburn cures for heartburn heartburn and indigestion heartburn stress acid reflux and heartburn baking soda heartburn heartburn information heartburn throat home remedy for heartburn how to get rid of heartburn natural cure heartburn treat heartburn cause of heartburn heartburn and nausea heartburn coffee heartburn com heartburn medications heartburn while pregnant natural cures heartburn natural heartburn relief natural remedies for heartburn prevent heartburn treating heartburn alcohol heartburn heartburn ulcer persistent heartburn treatment for heartburn baby heartburn heartburn disease heartburn foods to avoid heartburn herbal heartburn prevention heartburn treatments how to cure heartburn how to stop heartburn natural remedy for heartburn nighttime heartburn relief for heartburn vinegar for heartburn baking soda for heartburn best for heartburn cure your heartburn heartburn drug heartburn drugs heartburn movie heartburn surgery natural cure for heartburn natural cures for heartburn www heartburn diet for heartburn heartburn medicines heartburn video preventing heartburn causes for heartburn heartburn esophagus relief from heartburn treatment of heartburn curing heartburn heartburn asthma heartburn solutions hernia heartburn healing heartburn heartburn info heartburn relief during pregnancy heartburn tips milk and heartburn national heartburn heartburn center relief of heartburn relieving heartburn treatments for heartburn fix heartburn heartburn about com heartburn commercial heartburn doctor heartburn forum heartburn pictures italian heartburn heartburn book heartburn in kids constipation reflux acid reflux gerd natural remedies esophagus gastritis hiatal hernia indigestion protonix esophagitis stomach acid heart burn reflux disease barrett's esophagus acid reflux disease acid reflux symptoms for heartburn gastroesophageal reflux acid reflex acid reflux diet reflux diet gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd symptoms acid indigestion acid reflux treatment gerd diet acid reflux cure acid reflux remedies acid reflux remedy esophageal reflux gastric reflux symptoms of acid reflux acid reflux causes gerd treatment laryngopharyngeal reflux infant acid reflux acid reflux pregnancy symptoms of gerd acid reflux foods to avoid acid reflux relief infant gerd acid reflux home remedies acid reflux home remedy acid reflux natural cure cure for acid reflux gerd infants gerd surgery hyperacidity indigestion remedies stomach acid reflux acid reflux natural remedy lpr reflux treatment for acid reflux diet for gerd heart burn symptoms indigestion remedy natural remedies for acid reflux home remedies for acid reflux heart burn remedies natural cure for acid reflux severe indigestion acid reflux and pregnancy acid reflux during pregnancy heart burn relief heart burn remedy heart burn cure cure heartburn cure to heartburn heartburn home cure cure heartburn and cure heartburn naturally pregnancy heartburn cures heartburn home cures vinegar cure heartburn heartburn cure home remedy ways to cure heartburn home cure for heartburn the heartburn cure best cure for heartburn cure heartburn during pregnancy cure heartburn in home cures for heartburn you cure heartburn a cure for heartburn cider vinegar cure heartburn cures for heartburn and that cure heart tums baking soda
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Blood Type Diet Issue: Type A but Acid Reflux Issue?
In type A, I do not think I would have acid reflux. But I did. If you know what blood type diet, says little or nothing of A's acid. But some foods that it recommends giving me problems, esp. coffee. Now my father has the same problem or similar food. But he is blood type O. Should I double check my blood (I was pretty sure, however.)? Should I change how much of an AI is given, I really like the combination of A and O? I'm confused, but I have enough health problems that I wanted to try this diet. And I have digestive problems (once called a "leaky gut").
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How to cure acid reflux?
Does anyone know the cure for acid reflux? I tried everything that does not work I am 14 years old I've had since I was 11, I hurt all the time please reply! Here is a list of things I have ever tried! Cider Vinger armband black or ginger molle buy all these programs from the Internet that claim they can cure, sap acid / alkaline enzymes DIET acupuncture and Chinese medicine other / Digestive orange peel extract, slippery elm homeopathy and other sleep / font chanmges life. nad probly more, but I'm not overweight, what should I try? please, I can have more than one suggestion boxes have ever tried! Oh, thanks, and I tried all the medications perscribed medications that contain natural countwer and so I prefer Remida suggested that plz! Reduce pop. Do not drink too fast, the carbonation of the esophageal mucosa may worsen over time if you drink too fast. Tums antacids and provide a fast and light relief. Have a scratch test done for allergies if you are sensitive to certain elements, however, lucky that it sucks up so much you are so young. You'll find out soon enough. Baking powder. Have you tried? It works well. You add a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass (4-8 oz.) Water and stir until dissolved. Drink up! It is very efficient and cheap. A box of baking soda costs 50 cents. Let me know if you try it I found another post about baking soda and water, and thought I'd add my answer::: baking soda has a ton of salt, so if you use it regularly can increase blood pressure or bleeding and can cause ulcer if you Simple ways to Acid Reflux Millions of people suffer from acid reflux disease worse Stop - adults, children and even babies can not escape from their misery. Basically, acid reflux disease or heartburn upflowing is caused by stomach acid into the throat of view of science, the process occurs when there is a relaxation that occurs in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing then the juices from the stomach into the esophagus. http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Cure-Acid-Reflux I know you say you tried apple cider vinegar (ACV), but for how long. I had acid reflux for a long time and tried to stroke. The first time I took, it really made my stomach worse! But that lasted only a few minutes. I stayed with him and after a few days of drinking ACV, my acid reflux IDO! If I stop taking the ACV for more than a couple of weeks, he returns. So now I try to take someone at least once a week. Basically, acid reflux disease or heartburn upflowing is caused by stomach acid into the throat of view of science, the process occurs when there is a relaxation that occurs in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing then the juices from the stomach into the esophagus. http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Cure-Acid-Reflux I know you say you tried apple cider vinegar (ACV), but for how long. I had acid reflux for a long time and tried to stroke. The first time I took, it really made my stomach worse! But that lasted only a few minutes. I stayed with him and after a few days of drinking ACV, my acid reflux IDO! If I stop taking the ACV for more than a couple of weeks, he returns. So now I try to take someone at least once a week.
Monday, February 14, 2011
acid reflux?
ok so I have 16 years and had acid reflux as a baby and occasionally I get a lil here and there.but week was doing Drivers Ed and I had to get up at 7:00 in the moring to go to school but continued until 2:00 in the morning and wake up at 7:00 I was eating very poorly. As the weeks passed and my art acid to start and thought I'd leave, wendnesday today and Saturday as the hare had a sensation of a lump in the throat and is fine in the morning and gets worse day by day I been to my Doc and said it is prolly acid reflux and I have to change my diet, but the lump in my throat that bothers me more acid when burping. Sometimes it seems a sore throat and sometimes not, I have also flemmy mouth too. Sound good? IDK man, that sounds a bit exaggerated. I have acid reflux, but I've never seen a flemmy mouth. You have to start eating if you have not done, but they are not! Eating within an hour or two before bedtime to control it, you may need to take medications or simple things such as Tums, Rolaids, or a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda in two ounces of water. when you feel like you have acid reflux drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, I think, is a balance between the acid in the stomach, to feel better and sleep a little "more!" Well, I would not use the word "right", but it sounds very typical symptoms of acid reflux. I was 19 when he was finally put in an inhibitor of the proton pump. Tomé Pepcid, Zantac, and now Nexium. Works like a charm. I thought maybe I was cured and do not need more than one if a couple of months, I missed a day. I woke up the body in the middle of the night. And I've changed my diet. So you can relate to. I used to be so angry with the doctors hit me like that. To finally find a medication that I told my doctor, "I have my diet I do not eat any spices, fried foods or other triggers change. But I get acid reflux from a glass of plain water. Prescribing something for me, thanks" Finally I heard one of them. Have been much happier since. All your symptoms point to reflux - the lump in my throat, through the stimulation of acid. Very often, do not worry. I would insist on a medication, but if I were you. I inherited a defective lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This may well be the problem. Do not be afraid to be aggressive with a doctor about it bubbles. Good luck! Yes. If you are on medication of any kind may be an increased emphasis on acid reflux. If not, you just change your eating habits. You should also tell your doctor you pills to calm down so that you do not have to be in pain. To finally find a medication that I told my doctor, "I have my diet I do not eat any spices, fried foods or other triggers change. But I get acid reflux from a glass of plain water. Prescribing something for me, thanks" Finally I heard one of them. Have been much happier since. All your symptoms point to reflux - the lump in my throat, through the stimulation of acid. Very often, do not worry. I would insist on a medication, but if I were you. I inherited a defective lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This may well be the problem. Do not be afraid to be aggressive with a doctor about it bubbles. Good luck! Yes. If you are on medication of any kind may be an increased emphasis on acid reflux. If not, you just change your eating habits. You should also tell your doctor you pills to calm down so that you do not have to be in pain. To finally find a medication that I told my doctor, "I have my diet I do not eat any spices, fried foods or other triggers change. But I get acid reflux from a glass of plain water. Prescribing something for me, thanks" Finally I heard one of them. Have been much happier since. All your symptoms point to reflux - the lump in my throat, through the stimulation of acid. Very often, do not worry. I would insist on a medication, but if I were you. I inherited a defective lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This may well be the problem. Do not be afraid to be aggressive with a doctor about it bubbles. Good luck! Yes. If you are on medication of any kind may be an increased emphasis on acid reflux. If not, you just change your eating habits. You should also tell your doctor you pills to calm down so that you do not have to be in pain.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
what diet is appropriate for someone who suffers from acid reflux?and esophagitis. ?
I need a list of what they eat foods and foods that should be avoided.if can give me a list of these foods. I had this problem and would suggest that keeping a food diary and a diary of symptoms. After a month of starting to see a sample of what you eat and how it affects. Foods that affect me are the white bread and tomatoes, but I realized that keeping a food diary. Good luck Kiki does not know what foods to avoid, but I can say that food will help you: pineapple sweet potato (weird, I know) of pineapple juice (real juice, pineapple juice, not flavored) bagel This scheme sounds about right. If you like the food on the banned list that I had started to remove one or two at a time rather than all at once until the symptoms have subsided. Want to leave the good things too. I quit sweets and caffeine and mint, and it was enough to reduce me. Also sleeping with your head, I always want to overdo it though. http://www.gicare.com/Diets/GERD.aspx Hi, I suffer like crazy with these symptoms (the result of my GERD & hernia pause). The main things to avoid are: 1 Alcohol - im currently suffering because of this (what a 23 year old do to make spicy food hehe.2 April 3 Cheese Sour things like tomatoes, oranges, etc. Chocolate 5:06 a.m. 7.Fizzy . fat-rich food .drink .So it all. hehe.The thing that helps me is cottage cheese, organic yogart, oatmeal and bananas. There is one thing you can buy in health food stores kalt''glatte. you "" smaak elm is not nice, but the trick A few other things that may help: Do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, do not eat large meals, small meals often Prop yourself a little higher in bed (I use three pillows), preventing the acid rises .the night. sleep on the left side also helps. Have you seen the doc about this? reflux is the clearest sign of hiatus hernia. In addition, you can prescribe anything ie.omeprosole, gavescone. I suffered very badly and I discovered that a sore throat, my doctor gave me an alkaline diet to follow and inhibitors of proton pump. After 2 months the symptoms are not better, so I went on the diet, but split the food groups in combination foods (hay diet). My symptoms were the result largely of reserves, now go get me my side of the bed (with pillows too many wrinkles the stomach only), and make sure I did not go to bed after eating. I had no alcohol for a few months, and I'm out of luck foods.Good acids hope you get better soon, and remember much of it can be trial and error .
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Diets for people with acid reflux diesase?
My fiance 'has just been diagnosed with reflux disease, and to change their entire diet. Any suggestions on where can I find information on what he can and can not eat, such as finding food lists? Here is a website that discusses the causes and diet. Good luck, I can only speak from personal experience. My friend has a problem with ARD. The only thing that worked for him in the Atkins diet. Every time he goes to (of course he has difficulty staying on it for a long time) his symptoms disappear. And we're talking about someone who can not sleep one night without having to chew some Tums. Of course, no formal sense, but that's what worked for him. Hi, I have tried all different diets and weight loss is only temporary. I finally tried diet pills on the market are made from Hoodia. I saw this on ABC News. It is all natural and safe, and it works! My wife took it for a month and dropped 20 pounds. I took it for a month and lost over 13 (but I have not used) I bought the natural hoodia from this website: http://www.alllsite.info/free-diet-pills.php. I checked the website address so I can put it here, and I saw a special campaign is now running a free trial for 2 weeks to get only $ 4.97! I'll give this to my wife and give them to her for Christmas =) There are some useful tips here .
Friday, February 11, 2011
Acid reflux .?
Has anyone been successful and (so far) definitely acid reflux treated by weight loss and better nutrition? I do not want to be in a pill for the rest of my life. Also, have you ever inhaled stomach acid? How was it for you? You need immediate medical attention? The answer to your question is yes, absolutely, acid reflux can be controlled with better nutrition - like you, I'm not interested in taking a "little purple pill" for the rest of my life and decided to find out what was causing the problem. Caffeine is very acidic, but I love coffee and I could not imagine abandoning it, so it simply reduces the number of cups that I drank, and rose to a mixture of half and half (half decaf, half regular .) I do not change to a fat free diet, but reduced the amount of fat, which means not eating high-fat cheeses and changed to "low-fat cheese, I stopped using dressings and fat, however, buy light dressings. etc. I heard he eats at night (it's a good idea) I stopped to eat spicy food I had and I found that I feel much better. When I follow these tips, I have no symptoms and do not need antacids or drugs. Now I have another form of acid reflux Gerd and I know that I lose the need to reduce weight and improve my diet because I take medication side effects detrimental to the future not in the position of my body, my jaw or tongue controls may have . So yes, you should improve your lifestyle. and acid reflux can cause cancer.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Which diet is better for acid reflux?
I have dealt with acid reflux for a little over a year and last month I was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus. I've been on Prevacid for a year. I was told by my gastroenterologist that I would probably stay Prevacid for the rest of my life. I have read in many different systems. I read that alkaline diets are good for people who struggle with digestive problems. I also read an article about how a gluten-free diet may help people with Barrett's esophagus (the article I read on the gluten-free diet has not been tested or studied) So my question is what is the best diet for a person with Barrett's esophagus? alkaline diet or gluten-free diet? Crohn's disease is aided by a diet without gluten does not hurt to try. but the problem (and maybe mine) is caused by gastroesophageal reflux, treatment and self-feeding, as is well known. I've seen reports that the gluten-free diet may in some cases of acid reflux (which causes the symptom complex called Barrett's esophagus) It can not hurt if they try a couple of weeks. If this does not work, you have not lost much. An alkaline diet can cause health problems down the road when the natural balance of stomach acid. Anyhow, manufactures Prevacid to prevent stomach acid (which makes the digestion of foods is very difficult, such as hydrogen is a part of the process), you would be more than she an invention if you have both. You must be rich to avoid fatty foods, eat smaller meals and increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. This applies whether you are gluten-free diet. If you need to eat fatty foods, do not do it after 13 hours. Keep a food diary where you eat what you notes and every time you experience acid reflux. Remember, it takes up to 36 hours to completely digest food, so you would be something you ate yesterday affect today to find, do not worry about what to eat. Actually, the limitations of the food you eat will not solve the acid reflux disease. If you have dietary stop reflux returns. This is the same for drugs. They help to prevent symptoms, but only as long as you keep taking them. When you stop taking them, reflux back. If you want a killer home remedy for acid reflux visit http://banishacidreflux.com find. The home remedy to describe them with the help of several foods work wonders in curing acid reflux and heartburn. Then you will be able to eat what you want .
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Does baby acid reflux have something to do with mom's diet?
I am a new mom and have never been children. I saw someone in my other review mentioned this, I would like to know more and learn more. Some tips for the care of a child with reflux? I will give the same answer I gave to another question: Technically, the only way to diagnose reflux official test of a GI probe, which is very invasive, especially for a child, so most doctors an unofficial diagnosis based on symptoms to do. Here is a list of reflux symptoms in infants: http://heartburn.about.com/od/infantschildrenandreflux/qt/infantgerdsympt.htm Be aware that excessive spit or spitting is not * normally * the same as acid reflux. All children spit at some point, and some spit a lot, but not always the cause of reflux. Reflux or GERD, occurs when the valve separating the stomach from the esophagus does not close properly after a feeding, so stomach acid and food that will (or, in case of a baby milk) to secure. This often results in damage to the lining of the esophagus and stomach acids are very corrosive so some reflux or GERD can really only be diagnosed by a tract of the probes. Find tube in the esophagus for damage and make the valve does not close properly. Spitting is sometimes a symptom of reflux, obviously, from the milk to turn the valve does not close completely, but there are many other possible causes for spitting up, or disappointed by the intake of hyperactivity, excess air during feeding, pyloric stenosis, allergy (allergy or sensitivity to food, sometimes as an allergy to milk) or sometimes too much / eat too much. Many of these problems are misdiagnosed as reflux when reflux is not at all. Often, they are easily overcome with a change in diet, change in diet or methods of position, or in cases of pyloric stenosis, surgery is required. Babies can also be what is known as silent reflux - regurgitation without obvious symptoms often spat spat So it is not always an accurate indicator of reflux. They are two entirely different things. Personally I think it is better to try to find solutions to some of the problems listed above prior prescription medications for reflux. If the child is breastfed, feed block, as dairy, feeding and changing positions to eliminate the problems. If the baby is formula fed Formulas can try to change, especially if it is suspected that the child has a milk allergy or sensitivity is added. You can check with your doctor about allergy testing as well, before trying any medication reflux. Chiropractic has also been shown to help reflux, or publish any other issue reflux. Chiropractic adjustments help the body stay in the right direction, which can in good digestion and contribute to the symptoms of reflux, colic, allergies and other issues. Babies can also be what is known as silent reflux - regurgitation without obvious symptoms often spat spat So it is not always an accurate indicator of reflux. They are two entirely different things. Personally I think it is better to try to find solutions to some of the problems listed above prior prescription medications for reflux. If the child is breastfed, feed block, as dairy, feeding and changing positions to eliminate the problems. If the baby is formula fed Formulas can try to change, especially if it is suspected that the child has a milk allergy or sensitivity is added. You can check with your doctor about allergy testing as well, before trying any medication reflux. Chiropractic has also been shown to help reflux, or publish any other issue reflux. Chiropractic adjustments help the body stay in the right direction, which can in good digestion and contribute to the symptoms of reflux, colic, allergies and other issues. Babies can also be what is known as silent reflux - regurgitation without obvious symptoms often spat spat So it is not always an accurate indicator of reflux. They are two entirely different things. Personally I think it is better to try to find solutions to some of the problems listed above prior prescription medications for reflux. If the child is breastfed, feed block, as dairy, feeding and changing positions to eliminate the problems. If the baby is formula fed Formulas can try to change, especially if it is suspected that the child has a milk allergy or sensitivity is added. You can check with your doctor about allergy testing as well, before trying any medication reflux. Chiropractic has also been shown to help reflux, or publish any other issue reflux. Chiropractic adjustments help the body stay in the right direction, which can in good digestion and contribute to the symptoms of reflux, colic, allergies and other issues. Babies can also be what is known as silent reflux - regurgitation without obvious symptoms often spat spat So it is not always an accurate indicator of reflux. They are two entirely different things. Personally I think it is better to try to find solutions to some of the problems listed above prior prescription medications for reflux. If the child is breastfed, feed block, as dairy, feeding and changing positions to eliminate the problems. If the baby is formula fed Formulas can try to change, especially if it is suspected that the child has a milk allergy or sensitivity is added. You can check with your doctor about allergy testing as well, before trying any medication reflux. Chiropractic has also been shown to help reflux, or publish any other issue reflux. Chiropractic adjustments help the body stay in the right direction, which can in good digestion and contribute to the symptoms of reflux, colic, allergies and other issues.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I want to know what are some good things to eat and drink if you have acid reflux
diet for acid reflux, my husband had really bad back a couple of years and this is what you eat, I think, than how to eat it. Firstly, alcohol is not good for him. Then you have to take small bites and chew very well. Do not shovel food in.rest between bites. Do not eat, and then calm down. Do not eat too late. Some people limit spicy food and really hard to digest hard foods like steak. Hope that helps. to reduce or eliminate acid reflux you want, free from fat and acidic foods in general as they tend to increase acid secretion for digestion. For example, remove all citrus fruits (or juices) like oranges, lemons, tomatoes and control. You will also avoid high fat steaks (where the meat has a marbled appearance), butter, pasta, cream, ice cream, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings - I think you can see where we go here. In addition, you should avoid coffee (decaffeinated or regular), all forms of alcohol have been shown (except in very small doses) and all kinds of coffee and tea in particular is to increase activity in the esophagus, with studies showing that caffeine is not particularly found the cause, but the ingredients of beans (no matter how they are roasted), can be an important contribution. Do not succumb to the old story of women's milk stomach calmed down after a hearty meal. If we can help you delay a little longer term, it causes more damage by causing reflux while you sleep. The list of foods that reduce the incidence of reflux is not surprising, reflecting eat something nutritionist Guide reasonable. Proposals are apples, bananas, baked potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, fish, eggs (protein only), goat or feta cheese (you will avoid all other cheeses), rice cakes and bread wheat wide. At the end of the day, so you should try to reduce excess acid secretion, avoiding contact with foods that require more enzymes to aid digestion .------------ Hope this helps - - - --- ------------------------------------- http://AcidRefluxFix. com.
Monday, February 7, 2011
A typical diet for sufferers of acid reflux.?
I pretty regularly Suffer from acid reflux, More Than likely be because "of my Poor Choices When It Comes To Food and drink (a Majority of the time I must admit). I've searched Yahoo Answers, and different search engines for a typical GERD diet to prevent acid reflux, but I think they are not very specific in saying that most "low fat", "no-fried". Can someone give me a typical diet? one days worth? one weeks worth? Read also my drinking water helps to relieve pain caused by GERD, but I think that sometimes it does not worse.I want to resort to taking medication for this problem. The more natural the better. :) Hope someone can help. Thanks x Au. I've never had acid reflux.hey I chew my food very carefully. I have counted up to 120 chews before swallowing lol. Interesting article about chewing>>> The best http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-405845/Can-chewing-40-times-cure-food-intolerances.html reflux remedy is the digestive enzyme supplements . This is to digest food to prevent acid reflux My mother had a serious disease and gastroesophageal reflux gastritis and LPR for 5 years to 25 years. Within weeks, the digestive enzymes, GERD and LPR is gone and within 8 months of gastritis was 85% more. Avoid spicy foods very well. Besides this, you can eat what you want now is food. A very interesting link about digestion. >>> HTTP: / / www.jonbarron.org/weight-loss-program/03-12-2007.php digestive enzymes - King of indigestion, bloating and acid reflux remedies>>> http://www.natural - indigestion -relief.com/acid-reflux-remedies-digestive-enzymes.html inhibitors proton pump are designed to increase the risk of fractures by 25% and the lethal superbug C. difficle 75% - 1 in 14 die from the bacteria. The FDA has issued a statement of not taking PPI up to 14 days, 3 times a year. A good reason too. >>> Http: / / refluxdefense.com / heartburn_GERD_articles / side effects of antacids and acid-blockers.html.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Do you believe I got rid of Acid Reflux by adding yogurt to my diet everyday?
I promise, the use to have to buy a bottle of medication once every two weeks, only to live now.I can eat everything, and I'm hot too. There is no scientific basis for this? Anyone? Yes, I believe. Yogurt contains probiotics that can "cure" an imbalance of microflora in the intestine (called dysbiosis) that may have been the cause of their reflux. No, dairy products dramatically increase susceptibility to acid reflux and digestive disorders. Milk is not something the body can digest, of course after the development phase (remember that we are the only animals who consume dairy products into adulthood), which makes your body a lot of digestive problems. Perhaps it was his medicine? Unfortunately, conventional medicine is removed the symptoms of a problem but cause another problem (usually more serious). And once you stop taking the medication the symptoms continue. Have you tried to take apple cider vinegar? It's good for a variety of diseases including acid reflux.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What kind of diet will improve acid reflux.?
I have acid reflux, or at least I think it is and take things as Gaviscon to help, and recently, tests have been worse. I began to avoid eating in the morning, because they simply can not afford something decent before three, and still is something that only a chocolate, or similar size. After dinner, they usually end up dividing into two, because I can, t have much. I want a normal diet, where you can eat three times a day without problems, nausea and feeling espcailly fluid in the throat and burns. Gaviscon temprealy do better, but not for long and not always enough. What I can do? I'm leaving on a trip overnight in a couple of weeks, where eating is important, but in the practice of going for six hours, I'm not hungry at the end and is expected to eat three Cours? Ideas? Thanks ^ ^
Friday, February 4, 2011
Diet Pepsi and Acid Reflux?
Is Diet Pepsi cause reflux? YUP.I have enormous problems with food SODAS.AND SODA any time thinking about it! Try if you can not stand mustard soup TASTE.ALSO.A last tablespoon vinegar (ALL) and drink a glass of water to get rid of AS WELL.PEACE! It could. All cola drinks are loaded with phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid is so corrosive that trucks must carry them by supporting dangerous to be identified. If you drink too much, you can probably refux get him. You can also dissolve a nail in 3 days by sitting in a glass of Coca-Cola. Not more than other soft drinks. Reduce amount of soda you drink and you'll feel better. It could also aspartame, you are sensitive. In both cases, stop drinking so much soda. Stick to water or iced tea. ETA: please. Phosphoric acid in cola drinks will not hurt you, or the FDA would not allow it. It is carbon dioxide, the cause of your reflux.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What foods should you eliminate from your diet if you have acid reflux disease?
What should you eat and drink? The most common foods or drinks that increase are coffee, mint, chocolate, fatty or greasy foods. For some, it's all spicy foods (think of things with garlic food, Mexican hot, etc.) What worries me is that I drink iced tea with lemon and citrus aggravates me, so it is another. You have to try to see what triggers for you. What is quiet for me, milk and some form of carbohydrates, such as a cookie or a biscuit. If that fails I go for the Gaviscon. Attention tomato-based foods and avoid the peppers and onions too. So eat mexican.it kills me every time. Avoid coffee or drinks with high caffeine content. Avoid acidic foods such as sauces, especially tomato-based sauces o. Avoid orange, grapefruit, lemon or lime juice as citric acid can irritate. Fresh tomatoes can be too much function. Drink plenty of water, lifting his head and shoulders while sleeping. Eating broccoli actually settles the stomach, and oddly enough level of potatoes is a great way to soothe the stomach and its often not what you eat foods that cause acid reflux, it can be as good as you do not eat. Food you should try everything in your diet to reduce your heartburn, such as fruit and vegetables. More info is available here, where on average less .
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Does drinking diet coke cause acid reflux?
Well, a diet to help my acid reflux disease, and have lost 40 pounds, and has contributed greatly. However, I started drinking Diet Coke about 3 per day, and the last two nights, my symptoms returned to the point where I wake up at night and I can not sleep. Coca-Cola is very high in acid, so yes, it can cause acid reflux. yep yep yep can phenalalinine (I apolagize of spelling) is not due to acid reflux and can cause ulcers (holes in the stomach), for all that you drink too much cola and yes, gas will be again. Try not to drink what and how to use light instead of glass. all soda is bad 4 Healh No, can cause disease, but cause heartburn. I think it's mainly because the diet soda carbonation gives me heartburn. Try switching to something non-carbonated beverages and diet, or have a regular Coca-Cola a day. Still, if you have injuries such as ulcers of reflux, you do not drink carbonated anything because only exacerbate the problem my father had acid reflux for 3 years. According to his doctor, yes it is true that acid reflux can be as high as a result of carbonated beverages, Mount Is not Dew, was familiar with Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola and Ginger Ale lead to acid reflux. Easy to use water instead of the spirit and double the amount.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Acid reflux and food question?
My doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux a few days ago and he gave me Pepcid. Who helped Pepcid def after a few days and I feel completely better. Now my question is if I stay on the diet reflux forever. I avoid all citrus fruits, tomatoes, ice, and so the last few days, but I feel better, I can eat these things again? Or should I avoid it for a few days? Or should I eat just does not work at all? Yes, I'm just afraid reallllllyyyy: (Please help me, it might be a good idea to go back to drugs and take it only when you need it, not so much to drink soda or coffee is all .a trade-off! . you need to decide what is important. Food / Beverage (with drugs) and reduce or feel more comfortable. id give my body at least a month before you start eating normally again. Pepcid to stay in the body is inside of it heals irritation. then slowly start reversing some of these forbidden foods. test the limit may need to be able to eat a bit of moderation. leparken have good body care can be very unbalanced. May be full of toxins. I added the below health stories that might be interested in. All the people in the stories suffered from lack of energy, too. I'm sure I'd suggest you try GlucAffect ®, and revive Innergize ® Now! ® as they did. If you really want to do something about their condition, these products can help in the same way it has helped others. You may not need GlucAffect if the other two products were enough to get your body in balance. I'll start with just two products. They helped me with my digestive problems. You must use sucralfate is better if you can get information here http://canmdh19.notlong.com/AAu0Qla.
Monday, January 31, 2011
My daughter was recently diagnosed with acid reflux disease. The doctor told her to be lactose / acid reflux diet. Which means that there is no fruit, vegetables, soup, soft drinks, whole grains, processed meat, herbs, or milk. She has a very hard time finding things to eat, and I wonder where I can get recipes that are eligible for special foods to find her. I am open to all suggestions and I'm not picky. If you could help me that would be great, because I know she has a very difficult time dealing with this. Thanks:)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Acid Reflux and diet?
My wife has acid reflux, which is strongly opposed to drugs and large farma.i asks me "if it is a good resource for what to do to change the diet to have acid reflux. We are vegan as I read is that the meat is an important reason for this, but I wonder what else we can eat more vegetables do.would help? is good to neutralize the acid, which would be to eat more vegetables would work. Any help would be great. Cut the caffiene. I am also a vegetarian and has suffered from acid reflux or heartburn this year. Recently I cut caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks) and I feel great. not only my problem has been heartburn, but I have also more natural energy and a better sense of well being. I would also be careful with acidic foods like tomatoes, onions and garlic. Addition of probiotics in the diet can also help with digestion problems. I suggest belly well. Good luck and I hope your wife is feeling better pronto! I suffer from acid reflux for years and has everything you can imagine what has worked for me for coffee (large) to eliminate small meals. I mean really small. If Flair really bad, I'm organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to drink. Take a large tablespoon (you can mix with water-intensive), waiting a few seconds and then take another. I doubted it would work, but was surprised at the result. I have rarely if I watch my food intake carefully .
Saturday, January 29, 2011
What CAN I eat while on an acid reflux diet? I know what I shouldn't eat to control reflux, but what CAN I eat?
I would eat noodles, but I can not pasta sauce with it if I can put what is not thick or sour? I love rice, but I can not sharp on them. I eat chicken a lot, but it is annoying, especially because I'm limited to eating with what I can. I need ideas, please, do what I can eat, I'm on this low-fat, nonfat, no food tomatoes in a while. I also have trouble saying no to Coke and coffee in the morning when I get some ideas to go? Thanks! My dear friend has acid reflux. It is the side I use when cooking for them. There are many good recipes here. http://heartburn.about.com/od/heartburnfreerecipes/HeartburnFree_Recipes_For_the_Acid_Reflux_Diet.htm I think you should try Mona Vie. It is a healthy drink, organic juice. While your body healthy overall overcomes the acid reflux disease with a number of other things.it tastes so good. www.myspace.c
Friday, January 28, 2011
My hubby suffers so bad with his acid reflux.He has lost lots of weight and needs to find out what will help.?
It is difficult for him to eat samples anymore.I acid reflux diet now. They also suffer from acid reflux bad and I lost a lot of weight in a short time and go for days without eating, because I felt bad every time I ate. My doctor prescribed Zantac which could have improved my symptoms. Hope this helps. There are medications for acid reflux out there that can only be taken if necessary. Avoid foods that aggravate symptoms is also a wise decision. Pantazole.this trying to take a drug that is good for hyperacidity.this Zantac.also avoid spicy and fatty foods. Soo I can help. One day I woke up and could not swallow anything. After months and months and 6 months to be exact and 40 kilos least 10 different drugs, and many of the medical bills. I was given Nexium. It took me about 3 months for any kind of relief. I wanted to go to a GI dr and discuss it. It is also very important. I lost my thought is this. So do not eat, but the jello 6 months did not help, but the constant feeling that you wanted to strangle every minute and I diei started with panic attacks. Then it was mild depression. It is a medical term for it. Something like: depression and panic attacks caused by a medical condition. Duh! I am now on Zoloft. I have panic attacks for free for 1 year. I'm so happy. I can eat almost anything and not worry. I sooo understand how he feels. Let him. They want my sound man. No one would listen or help. He would lie in bed with me and cried with me. You have very, very pushy with the doctors. I even went to another because the first thing I wanted to put on tablets and pills anymore, but I guess wrong. It is also important to know that this will not only. It has happened over the years. The top was just to come out eventually. It will take time to heal. I would also suggest that he is a endosopy (misspelled sorry) They made him sleep and put a tube in his neck to see the damage. Just to make sure that he saw no other problems with Nexium undetectable. One more thing. We had no insurance. There are many programs out there to help. We had a clinic that I went through. It was a very cheap price and I was then transferred to a specialist for almost nothing. Endosopy then you have done in the hospital and it is also trying to help. AstraZeneca will pay for my Nexium. So I went to the mental health of my Zoloft. I see the doctor, now once every six months for $ 5.00 to visit and my medication is $ 14 for a three months' supply of K-Mart. You have to pray and search the web. I know how that helps. Sorry for so much info. Maybe you can copy and paste into a Word doc and print. Very long-lived of all. There is an enormous amount. He can die, not to scare you, but he can.
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- Do you believe I got rid of Acid Reflux by adding ...
- What kind of diet will improve acid reflux.?
- Diet Pepsi and Acid Reflux?
- What foods should you eliminate from your diet if ...
- Does drinking diet coke cause acid reflux?
- Acid reflux and food question?